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Top Concerns Of Outsourcing Software Development

Software outsourcing is the norm in the global IT sector. It allows a tech company to ensure that its ability to develop IT products is scaled up, all the while bringing down the overhead costs.

But there is a catch. Most of the time, the relationship between a tech company and its software outsourcing partner fizzles out in less than five years.

Hence, whenever techpreneurs even think about partnering up with a software outsourcing company, their minds are bombarded with a torrent of concerns.

This post, in the following sections, will address some of those concerns along with their probable solutions.

Here goes.

1.  It would be difficult to manage a remote team 

If a techpreneur plans to partner up with a software development outsourcing company, then most of the time, the business owner would hire a remote team.

Hiring a remote team is a cost-efficient solution but this approach entails its own sets of challenges. One of them is managing the team. It is difficult to oversee the overall performance of a team that is out of sight compared to people under payroll working under the same roof.

No matter which technologically advanced remote communication tool a tech company is using to communicate with its remote software development team, the engagement levels of remote communication will always remain in the shadow of live communication.

However, techpreneurs can minimize the difficulty levels of handling a remote team when they follow the simple tips mentioned below – 

  • It is best to ensure that the remote team works on the project assigned to them using the agile development process. With the help of the agile development process, techpreneurs can hold daily meetings with the remote teams they have hired so that both parties are on the same page. Furthermore, when a remote team works on a project using the agile development process, issues with the project are identified and sorted out quickly. On top of this, the agile development process is known for transparency and it also keeps every member of the remote team on their toes.

  • Techpreneurs need to be flexible when it comes to acceptance of solutions from the remote team for issues with the project.

  • Techpreneurs should ensure that they have assigned a dedicated project manager who would keep the remote team in line by liaising between both parties.

2.  It would take a lot of time to onboard a remote team for a single project

It would take a lot of time for a techpreneur to onboard a dedicated remote software development team. The solution to this predicament is simple. Techpreneurs can hire the best software development company collaboratively for a predefined period such as for the project at hand.

The collaborative relationship can be established for –  

  • Building a bespoke DevOps infrastructure

  • Developing a mobile application or

  • Integrating an updated API into an existing app.

On the flip side, if a techpreneur has plans to find a long-term solution for all their tech project development concerns then investing in a dedicated software development outsourcing team is worth it, despite the accompanying challenges.

The time a techpreneur would spend to onboard a dedicated remote team would help their company as a dedicated team –

  • Offers a tech company an edge over its rivals by giving it the flexibility it needs to scale up its development capabilities

  • Reduce the time needed to release new products as well as updates for existing products and

  • Offer access to skilled professionals without exorbitant investments.

If done right, techpreneurs can onboard a dedicated remote team in no more than three months after both parties reach an agreement. 

3.  It would take a lot of time to transfer the knowledge 

Even if a techpreneur plays it safe and hires a web app development company after prolonged vetting, chances are high that it would take a lot of time to transfer the knowledge of the project to the newly hired outsourcing team.

Why one has to transfer the intricate knowledge of a project to the remote team in the first place?

Well, without transferring the in-house knowledge to the remote dedicated team, the remote experts won’t be able to understand the project or the market segment they would need to target.

To keep things seamless, techpreneurs can see to it that they start the process of knowledge transference in a simple two-step manner. 

One can first let the remote team work on a particular area of a project and take it from there post-evaluation. The feedback that the remote team would get from the techpreneurs would allow the former to learn the unique requirements of the project and their client.

The next step techpreneurs can take is to make code reviews a part of the knowledge transference process. Code reviews allow members of a remote software development outsourcing team to learn and share project-specific knowledge at the same time, identify and correct potential errors in the code of the project.


Software development outsourcing is a risky process, no doubt about it. Furthermore, it needs long-term planning and investment. But when managed properly by hiring a veteran firm like Techtonic Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. that offers software development outsourcing services, business owners can reap the many benefits of this popular arrangement easily.


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